
Author: Benjamin Qi

Well-known programming contests and helpful tools for programming contests.

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Frequent Contests

These websites hold contests that I frequently participate in.


extensive list of contests


keep track of which AtCoder problems you've done

  • AtCoder
    • Probably the highest quality
    • Beginner / Regular Contests: 4 or 6 problems, ~100 min
    • Grand Contests: 6 problems, 110 - 150 min
      • Difficulty isn't always reasonable ...
  • Codeforces
    • Div 1-4: 5-6 problems (with some variations), 2 to 2.5 hrs
  • Topcoder
    • Div 2, Div 1
    • 75 min coding, 15 min challenge
    • Solutions only tested after contest!
  • DMOJ: Modern Online Judge
    • at least one contest every month during school year
    • practice implementation!!

Other Websites


misc ICPC contests


Feb - Nov

monthly Long, Lunchtime, Cookoff

These platforms no longer actively hold contests, but might be worth a look.


only "Hack the Interview" contests now

see archive

Onsite Finals (Individual)

Let me know if there's something else I should try to qualify for!


16; 4 from SRMs, 10 from R4, 2 from wildcard


25 from R3


8 from AGC

Codeforces Tools


estimate rating changes!

recently updated

An alternative for CF-Predictor

keep track of friends' progress

problem recommender (haven't used personally)

compare users

parse problem statements, submit, etc from command line

text editor using features from above

Contest Tools

Module Progress:

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